The Course Bundle

Get immediate and lifetime access to the replays for four of my favourite courses:

CAPACITY - nervous system regulation and expansion for business owners ready for sustainable, deliciously receiving, full-spectrum success. Learn more here.
BLOOM - The Living Library for Emerging and Expanding Entrepreneurs - Learn more here.
CASH VORTEX - Become a money and sales magnet. Let sales be really freaking fun. Learn more here.
IDENTITY - Embodiment and action for more of you to come through to attract in your aligned version of success. Learn more here.

Already have one or more of these programs? Dm us to get a credit and we'll send you a code to save some money!

Please allow one day to be manually uploaded into these programs upon purchase!

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Billing address

Overview: Payment plans are offered in good faith. By clicking above, you acknowledge that you are agreeing to authorize your card for (___) monthly payments that will be automatically deducted from your card.

Past Due Payment Policy:

Payments are considered past due if not paid within the same business day. If you are non-responsive & your payment is (5) calendar days past due, your access to the program or product will be tentatively revoked until payment is received. After (10) calendar days, your balance must be paid, otherwise you will be permanently removed from the program. The company reserves the right to collect missed payments for services rendered.
I agree


There are no guarantees in your results from this container. We believe that everyone will learn something from being in this space, but it may not always be exactly what we think it will! We ask that you show up with an open heart, but know that with all business expenses, this is a risk, and you are taking responsibility for this. We are always striving to refine our containers and creating a culture of feedback for the best possible results.

There are no refunds. Please review our company policies here.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


The Course Bundle$1111

There are no refunds.

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Course Bundle$1111

All prices in USD
