The Money Miracles Masterclass
Money is not something that is outside of your power. When we are educated and practiced around the energetic and structural flow of money, it becomes an extension of our being, a byproduct of our impact, and a tool for uplifting ourselves, others, and the earth into more and more well-being.

Through deep healing with our relationship with money and developing awareness around the interconnectedness of money + ancestral lineage, collective programming, the body, Mother Earth, and relationships, over time we can sustainably open to become a conduit for our unique divine flow of prosperity. 

Opening to wealth, money, and prosperity is a life-long relationship, however, in Money Miracles Masterclass, I share with you the most impactful lessons I have learned on my journey of teaching thousands of humans about money relationship and continuously embodying these teachings myself.

I, personally, have taken myself from waking up in the middle of the night, fearful of how I would take care of myself, making $400 a month, with practically no savings to having a multiple six figure earning business and net worth in a few years. I have coached those exiting generations of poverty to multi-millionaires around their unique money relationship. 

What we go over:

The Financial Ecosystem and how to open your channel for your unique + flow

The common personal and collective wounds I see in relationship to money and how to embrace healing as a catalyst for receiving natural and aligned for you money miracles

The WEALTHY Money Methodology for healing, deepening, and expanding your relationship with money for SUSTAINABLE evolution into embodied abundance and tangible wealth

The intention of this masterclass is to give you a MASSIVE boost in your relationship with money, tools and practices to walk away with and implement.

Next week, my lifetime access money relationship community-oriented container, WEALTHY, will be on sale in honor of it becoming lifetime access. 

At the end of this class I also share about WEALTHY, for those of you are feeling called to doing long term money work with me and the community I have built. 

It is $25 to receive LIFETIME ACCESS to this Masterclass!

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The Money Miracles Masterclass$25

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Money Miracles Masterclass$25

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